Brooklyn Bagel Bakery was started in 1953, by our founder Seymour Friedman. He rented space from Weitz’s Bakery, in the West Adams section of Los Angeles. He later took over the bakery at the 4658 West Adams Blvd., and Brooklyn Bagel Bakery came into existence. We moved to 2217 Beverly Blvd. in 1965. In 2015, the building went through a major collapse making it red tagged from the city. We had to relocate the wholesale operation to Montebello, CA. We did everything we could to keep the business alive and invested a lot of energy to re-open the retail. In November 2018, the retail re-opened at 2223 Beverly Blvd., right next door to our historical location.
Brooklyn Bagel Bakery prides itself on making quality products, using only the best ingredients, and delivering them to our customers in a timely manner. Customer service and satisfaction have always been extremely important to all of us at Brooklyn Bagel Bakery. Brooklyn Bagel Bakery still makes bagels the traditional way by boiling them before they are baked. Although this method is more time consuming, Brooklyn Bagel Bakery feels that it is the only way to produce a product we are proud of to offer. This is a real bagel and not a roll with a hole. Most of Brooklyn Bagel Bakery’s business is wholesale and we make deliveries to all of Southern California.
There are some who insist that traditional bagels can only be made correctly with New York water. Our founder, Seymour Friedman, believed the opposite – that any bagel can be made anywhere correctly with the right attention to detail, ingredients and emphasis on quality. Our 70+ years of continuous service to the Southland is testimony to his belief.